Dr. Stefan Zeuner
European Patent Attorney
European Trademark and
Design Attorney
Legal background
- Admitted as a Patentanwalt to the German Patent and Trademark Office and to the German Patent Court
- Professional representative before the European Patent Office
- Professional representative before the EUIPO
- Active in the field of intellectual property since 1997
Scientific background
- Physics Studies in Regensburg and Boulder, Colorado, USA, Dipl.-Phys. 1992
- Doctoral Studies at the University of Regensburg:
Demonstration of a novel thermoelectric effect in high-Tc superconducting films. Development and design of a fast broadband laser detector based on symmetry reduced high-Tc films – Doctorate as Dr. rer. nat. 1994 - Visiting scientist at the Center for Free Electron Laser Studies of the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, for two years:
Nonlinear dynamics in semiconductor nanostructures: photon-assisted quantum transport and dynamic localization in GaAs/AlGaAs semiconductor superlattices subject to intense THz fields.
Technical focus
- Document Security
- Security applications
- Physical Technology, Optics and Laser Technology
- Printing Technology
- Information and Communication Technology
- Semiconductor Technology, including Process Technology
- Materials Science
- Medical Technology